State of the Site: November Updates

All, thank you for being a part of As you can probably tell, this is just a passion project of mine, and – aside from a potential affiliate earning from TCGPlayer links, I don’t (and haven’t yet) earn anything from the site.

I have some big things planned for the site in the near future, but, it’s November, and I wanted to give everyone a heads up (especially after updates slowed down last week).

November, you may or may not know, is National Novel Writing Month, and I am a participant.

Because I am trying to hit word count goals every day, I will be moving to a more part time schedule on the site. Which is to say, the schedule between now and December 1 will look a little something like this:

  • Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday: #dumbdeckoftheday
  • As they become available: Be Our Guest columns and commentaries.
  • Suspended until set 2: #badnewsbrews

The other posts, like Single Card Spotlight and things like Learning Lorcana will be intermittent, but expect the pace of posting to pick back up in December, with more guests, more diverse content (videos? a podcast? maybe!) and more reasons to call me “dumb.”

See ya tomorrow with a new decklist!