Dumb Deck of the Day: Resistance is Fruitful

Today’s #dumbdeckoftheday is one of those decks that is so dumb that we might actually be onto something.

You see, nack when the we got our first peek at Rise of the Floodborn loads of folks online were saying things that boiled down to Tinker Bell – Giant Fairy may as well be a bulk rare now because it can’t beat Cogsworth – Grandfather Clock.”

The hype train had left the station and the accepted wisdom was that Resist is the future

And then, Cogsworth’s value swan dived into the $3-4 dollar range. ‡

Well, I have news for you, dear reader. Cogsworth was never gonna be the problem.

Now you may be saying to yourself: “Self, Dave is pretty dumb, but I assume he’s talking about Cinderella – Stouthearted, which is seeing some play in the Amber Steel Songs deck that features Cinderella – Ballroom Sensation and Sleepy’s Flute.” And, like so much of the hype before Rise of the Floodborn dropped, yourself would be (mostly) wildly incorrect.

So today, I want to show you this dumb Ruby Steel Resist deck which has been putting up some very respectable numbers on the ol’ Pixelborn. I’m a sucker for a stupid name, so I’m calling this Resistance is Fruitful.

Prepare to be assimilated.

a stylized "cyborg" character from a famous space television show with a smiley face in place of his real face.
This deck: 4 Be Prepared
2 Aladdin - Heroic Outlaw
2 Maui - Hero to All
4 Hercules - Divine Hero
2 Captain Hook - Forceful Duelist
2 Prince Eric - Dashing and Brave
2 Scar - Vicious Cheater
4 Shere Khan - Menacing Predator
4 Mouse Armor
4 Hercules - True Hero
4 Beast - Selfless Protector
3 Beast - Forbidding Recluse
4 Teeth and Ambitions
3 Benja - Guardian of the Dragon Gem
1 Beast - Tragic Hero
4 The Prince - Never Gives Up
3 Cinderella - Knight in Training
4 Queen of Hearts - Sensing Weakness
2 Dinner Bell
2 Cinderella - Stouthearted
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This deck is trying to do one thing: stall until the board is clogged up with some combination of Beast – Selfless Protector and Mouse Armor (and other Resist cards/bodyguards). Then you plunk down a Shere Khan – Menacing Predator or a Queen of Hearts – Sensing Weakness (to draw into your Khans) and challenge and/or quest with impunity.

It’s actually kind of bananas. Because the resist ability stacks (i.e. each instance of Resist +1 or +2 adds up to prevent that much total damage) AND resist triggers happen for each attempt at damage (meaning they can’t just gang up on your characters to try to get rid of them because even ten 1/1s can’t take down a 2/2 with Resist +1), it makes your Beast – Selfless Protectors nearly impossible to remove…which has the cascading effect of making all of your other creatures nearly impossible to remove, which creates a death spiral that lets you just pile up fat stacks of lore for a win.

I really want you to try this one out – it’s definitely not perfect yet, but I think we might be onto something here, and it’s a lot of fun. Below, I’m even including a “budget” version of the deck. It’s definitely not as good (the cards making this deck more expensive are mostly Maui – Hero to All, Scar – Vicious Cheater, Be Prepared and Teeth and Ambitions and the removal we’re substituting is definitely not in the same class), but, at $70(ish) it’s a fine place to start if you like how this deck plays out, and you want to have a good foundation while you build out the other cards you need for the kitted out version.

This deck: 3 Be Prepared
4 Aladdin - Heroic Outlaw
1 Maui - Hero to All
4 Hercules - Divine Hero
3 Captain Hook - Forceful Duelist
2 Simba - Future King
2 Prince Eric - Dashing and Brave
3 Shere Khan - Menacing Predator
4 Mouse Armor
3 Felicia - Always Hungry
4 Hercules - True Hero
4 Beast - Selfless Protector
2 Beast - Forbidding Recluse
3 Teeth and Ambitions
4 Benja - Guardian of the Dragon Gem
2 Tiana - Celebrating Princess
4 The Prince - Never Gives Up
4 Queen of Hearts - Sensing Weakness
2 Dinner Bell
2 Magic Broom - Industrial Model

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As always, let me know what you think on twitter @02drop, and I’ll see you tomorrow!