Dumb Deck of the Day: Emerald Ruby Christmas Eve

Today’s Disney Lorcana #DumbDeckOfTheDay is Emerald Ruby Christmas Eve, so named for it’s evasive and high-value creatures.

This is a deck that I’m kinda excited about, I’m not gonna lie. My record with it on Pixelborn is pretty solid (64% over more than fifty games), and, while this isn’t the budget version of the deck, the deck would still have legs if you shaved the Mickey Mouse – Brave Little Tailors and the John Silver – Alien Pirates and still remain fairly strong.

Cutting the Mickeys, the John Silvers, and the Be Prepared, you save something like $110, which makes this deck a respectable $125ish – definitely not the cheapest deck you can build, but for a solid deck that doesn’t just scoop (read: concede) to any popular deck is a pretty solid place to be (and having a playset of Kuzco – Tempermental Emperors and Flynn Rider – Charming Rogues is a nice place to start building any Emerald deck.

Give Christmas Eve a try and let me know what you think on twitter by tweeting @02drop!