Dumb Deck of the Day: Lost Boys Lorcana Invitational Winning Deck (Amber Sapphire)

Today’s Disney Lorcana #dumbdeckoftheday is Harlan Firer’s Lost Boys Lorcana invitational-winning Amber Sapphire deck.

Lost Boys Lorcana (@LostBoysLor on twitter) is a YouTube channel run by Magic Pros Todd Anderson and Harlan Firer. I can’t recommend them enough in terms of consistent, insightful content.

Both Todd and Harlan are really strong players in their own right (and were always contenders in Magic tournaments), and their commitment to making competitive Disney Lorcana a big deal is to be commended. Give them a subscribe on YT and a follow on twitter if you haven’t yet.

Anyway, onto Harlan’s deck – let’s have a look:

Harlan’s deck, is an Amber Sapphire ramp deck that tries to crowd the board early with characters that disincentivize questing or challenging (Mr. Smee – Loyal First Mate; Gramma Tala – Storyteller) and then quickly shed its early game into giant threats like Hades – Infernal Schemer and Belle – Strange but Special.

This version of the deck, notably, does not include Eye of the Fates, which I assume Harlan wanted to cut to make room for Maximus – Palace Horse and/or You Have Forgotten Me, both which make his midrange game much stronger.

This deck seems like a strong choice (even if it’ll be something people are prepping for) for the next big tournament. If you’ve been playing something similar, let me know on the bird site by tweeting @02drop.

See ya tomorrow!