Understanding Card Advantage

Understanding Lorcana is a series that helps new Disney Lorcana players to better grasp core concepts of competitive Lorcana play. This series should help you to understand how to evaluate your cards, optimize your decks, and become the best Disney Lorcana player in your neighborhood!

Here’s the 60 Second Summary ⏱️ (or TL;DR):
Card Advantage” is a way of qualifying and understanding the power-level of your cards relative to your opponents’ cards For example – if 1 of your cards destroys 2 of your opponent’s cards before going to your discard, that’s a “2-for-1” card advantage. It’s also a way of quantifying the state of the game (though this is often referred to as “board presence“). If you have 6 cards in your hand and 3 characters on board, and your opponent only has 2 cards in hand and 1 character on board, you have a 3-to-1 card advantage when it comes to your options versus your opponent.

Welcome to Understanding Lorcana, a series that should serve as a resource for Lorcana Players who are new to TCGs or maybe to competitive play.

This is a judgment-free zone, and the articles in this series are designed to help you better understand what the h*ck people are talking about when they use concepts and words that might be less than familiar to you.

At the bottom of every Understanding Lorcana article will be links to other websites that go more in-depth to articulate the core concepts presented here.

Today, we’re going to be learning about Card Advantage.

Dr. Facilier reading his cards

A crucial concept that lies at the heart of success in playing TCGs (Trading Card Games, sometimes called Collectible Card Games or “CCG’s” like Lorcana, Magic: The Gathering, or Pokémon) competitively is “Card Advantage.” This concept is instrumental to shaping any player’s gameplay, making strategic decisions, and understanding your deck’s (and, on a more cellular level, your cards’) position(s) in the metagame.

What do you mean by “Card Advantage?

In TCGs, Card Advantage refers to the relative number of cards each player has in their hand and on the field compared to their opponent. Having more cards at your disposal than your opponent is a significant advantage, as it grants you more options, flexibility, and control over the game. Card Advantage can be the key to outlasting your opponent, maintaining board control, and ultimately achieving victory.

Types of Card Advantage

Card Advantage can be broadly categorized into two main types: “Card Quantity” and “Card Quality”.

  1. Card Quantity: This type of Card Advantage simply means having more cards than your opponent. It can be achieved through drawing additional cards, recycling cards from your graveyard, or preventing your opponent from drawing more cards. Several strategies can help you gain Card Quantity Advantage:
    • Drawing Cards: Using cards or abilities that allow you to draw extra cards, such as “Draw 2 cards” actions or card-drawing characters.
    • Recycling: Some cards let you return cards from your graveyard to your hand or deck, effectively increasing your available resources.
    • Resource Denial: Cards that limit your opponent’s card draw, like discard actions, can deprive them of options, giving you an advantage.
  2. Card Quality: Card Quality Advantage focuses on the value of the cards in your hand and on the field. It’s about making your cards more impactful or efficient than your opponent’s. Strategies for achieving Card Quality Advantage include:
    • Efficient Removal: Using your cards to efficiently remove multiple threats or higher-value targets with a single card.
    • Synergy: Building a deck with cards that work well together can create powerful combos, making each card more valuable when combined.
    • Resource Management: Knowing when to use your cards for maximum impact is essential. Sometimes, holding onto a card for the right moment can be more valuable than playing it immediately.

Why is Card Advantage Important?

Card Advantage is a critical aspect of strategic TCG gameplay because it directly impacts your ability to control the game’s pace and outcome. Here’s why Card Advantage matters:

  1. Options and Flexibility: Having more cards or higher-quality cards grants you more options. You can adapt to your opponent’s moves and plan your strategy more effectively.
  2. Board Control: Card Advantage can help you maintain control of the playing field. Whether through character removal or continuous card generation, you can dictate the state of the game.
  3. Resource Management: TCGs often involve limited resources like ink or mana. Card Advantage allows you to use your resources more efficiently, ensuring you get the most value from each card played.
  4. Winning the Long Game: In many TCGs, Card Advantage can be crucial in outlasting your opponent. If you can consistently generate Card Advantage, you’re more likely to emerge victorious in the late game.

How Can I Gain Card Advantage?

To gain Card Advantage, consider these strategies:

  1. Deck Building: Construct your deck with a balanced mix of cards that provide Card Quantity and Card Quality Advantage.
  2. Card Draw: Include cards that let you draw more cards, ensuring you maintain a full hand.
  3. Removal and Control: Use cards that remove your opponent’s threats or disrupt their strategy.
  4. Resource Management: Manage your resources wisely, and don’t squander your cards needlessly.
  5. Synergy: Build your deck around synergistic card combinations to maximize Card Quality Advantage.
  6. Information: Pay attention to your opponent’s plays and cards in hand to anticipate their moves and counter accordingly.

Card Advantage is a fundamental concept in Trading Card Games that can significantly impact your success. Whether you’re focusing on Card Quantity or Card Quality, understanding how to gain and maintain Card Advantage can be the key to becoming a skilled Illumineer. So, shuffle your deck, draw your cards, and remember, it’s not just about what you play but how you you optimize your play that can lead you to victory in the world of Lorcana.